English Learner Advisory Committee
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) is a site-based committee that develops school site goals, objectives and priorities of the EL program. The committee is comprised of parents, staff members, community members, site administration and students.
ELAC meets a minimum four times a year to review various EL priorities outlined by the committee. The leadership of the committee is parents of Harvest Park students to make sure we address the needs our EL students and families.
2024-25 Meeting Dates + Slide Decks
- ELAC Meeting. #1: Sept. 26, 2024
- ELAC Meeting. #2: Nov, 20, 2024
- ELAC Meeting. #3: Jan, 22, 2025
- ELAC Meeting. #4: May 14, 2025
Meetings are from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m.
DELAC is the District English Language Advisory Council who also meet regularly throughout the year. At least one member of HPMS ELAC attends the DELAC meeting to provide priorities from our community. Please consider joining DELAC as well!
Harvest Park offers support for our English Language Learners so that they may develop both academically and socially. Harvest Park has 21 different languages spoken with our diverse student body. We identify our EL students during registration and determine English proficiency using the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC).
All English Learners (EL) take general education classes in math, science, PE, and electives. If a student needs more support in gaining English proficiency based on ELPAC scores, then he/she will be scheduled for English Language Development classes and Sheltered History instead of general ed ELA/History block classes. The goal of the ELD program is to develop reading and writing skills across the language arts and history curriculum. This class offers English learners an opportunity to explore American culture, practice speaking and focus on reading to increase comprehension and vocabulary. The standards-based instruction addresses the proficiency levels of all students in all four areas of language development: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening.