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Check In/Out Procedures

Checking Out of Campus:
Press the button at the front gate camera
2. Tell us who your student is (Name + Grade + Student ID)
3. Present your ID to the doorbell camera, so we can make sure you are on the student's emergency card
4. We will come to the gate to get your signature
***5. If your student is coming back to campus, please ensure they are given a yellow slip 

Note: When arriving for check out, please give yourself ample time for us to call your student out of class and complete the check out protocol. The entire process can take up to 15 minutes. This process may be longer if you check your student out during their lunch or PE periods. Please reference the bell schedule here.

Checking In to Campus:
If you did not call your student's late arrival to the Attendance Line:
1. Press the button at the front gate camera
2. Tell us why your student is late
3. We will come to the gate to get your signature and give your student a pass to class.

Other Reminders:

  • Students may not leave campus without a parent being present and signing them out
  • Students will not be permitted to leave with an adult who is not on the emergency card