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Mission & Vision

Our Mission 

All kids come first at Harvest Park Middle School where teachers, students, staff and community collaborate to educate the whole child.

Our Vision

Harvest Park Middle School will continue to build on its tradition of providing a smooth transition from elementary to high school. Our supportive school community will guide students to become lifelong, self-motivated learners and leaders who are productive, responsible members of society. The unique needs of our students will be addressed by a wide variety of innovative programs and teaching styles. As a learning community we are committed to developing the whole child by providing a safe environment focusing on academics, arts, attitude, athletics, and activities. The highest expectations for academic success, technological expertise, and moral and civic responsibility will be required of our students as our standards-based curricula prepare them to compete and thrive in a diverse and changing global society.

At Harvest Park Middle School, we believe:

  1. All students are capable of learning and want to be successful.
  2. Students, staff and parents must be both educators and learners who value education as a lifelong process.
  3. Education requires a shared partnership with ongoing communication among students, parents, the community and educators.
  4. Student learning is maximized when students and their families are actively involved in the educational process.
  5. It is important to promote academic excellence and accountability throughout our programs as our students prepare for the workplace and the changing world.
  6. It is important to follow the Patriot Path by promoting Compassion, Honesty, Responsibility, Respect, Integrity and Self-discipline (CHRRIS).
  7. We must provide a positive and nurturing environment for students that fosters a mutual respect for all individuals and their differences.
  8. Analyzing student assessments helps drive instruction and increases student learning.
First page of the PDF file: Mission-Statement-Poster